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Does Your RMS Help You Meet State and Federal NIBRS Compliance?



Besides the obvious reason to comply with NIBRS – it’s mandatory – there are a number of benefits that come with compliance:

  • It can help agencies maximize resources
  • It serves as a worldwide repository for crime information
  • It provides actionable intelligence and helps determine trends
  • It captures information that improves analytics for broader crime reporting


But it’s not just the federal NIBRS that law enforcement agencies need to comply with -- a number of states also have their own NIBRS. It can be a challenge for agencies meet state and federal reporting requirements, and failure to comply with NIBRS can result in loss of funding for your department.


It’s essential you have the tools in place to ensure you’re maintaining compliance with both state and federal NIBRS regulations, but it can be difficult to find a records management system (RMS) that allows users to access and integrate data on demand.


Omnigo is here to help you meet compliance. Our records management solutions  improve and simplify NIBRS reporting for your agency at the state and federal level.