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Don’t be left short-handed

Tracking high-value assets, equipment, fleet maintenance, and consumables is a time-intensive task that can place major demands on personnel and chip away at budgets.

The alternative, though, is certainly worse: lack of awareness about equipment readiness or the location of critical assets, shortages of in-demand consumables like PPE, and losses due to shrinkage.

Many departments lack standardized, comprehensive tools for asset tracking, recordkeeping, and accountability. Disparate systems for various assets can lead to disjointed recordkeeping and no standardization. Hand logs and spreadsheets can cause redundancies and inaccuracies, while a lack of visibility and awareness can create an environment that inadvertently encourages shrinkage.

Maybe worst of all, when critical scheduled maintenance or inspections are missed, out-of-service equipment can interfere with a department’s ability to serve.

But when your entire operation can rely on a single asset management source that’s both exhaustive in reach and item-level granular, you can achieve comprehensive, shared awareness and total control over inventory, maintenance, regulatory compliance, and even order scheduling for consumables.

Automated solutions can streamline and simplify every aspect of inventory and asset management, especially if they include the right tools and structures that make it easy for everyone across the agency to access, use, and update these critical records.


Leave nothing to chance

Help ensure officers always have the resources they need, exactly when they’re needed. Intelligent inventory management solutions are superior alternatives to traditional, outdated manual solutions.

manual inventory management vs intelligent inventory management

The Platform

Officers work in all types of conditions and need a device that can withstand virtually anything. The rugged form factor of the Panasonic TOUGHBOOK® N1 gives them a powerful device that can withstand drops, work well in direct sunlight, withstand extreme temperatures and humidity, and accommodate users wearing gloves. With intelligent inventory management software running on a rugged mobile device, police can quickly identify what they need and initiate an immediate order to get it.



The Solution

Omnigo QuarterMaster is the superior end-to-end inventory software solution for managing all assets, consumables, and returnables in one centralized system that’s easily accessible by all agency units.

  • Uses intelligent barcode tracking to manage inventory and supply in a centralized system
  • Provides custom, centralized information on all assets
  • Tracks all usage and supply levels across multiple issue points and locations in a single mobile-enabled system
  • Streamlines ordering through kit management
  • Provides powerful inventory searches and reporting

Learn more about how the TOUGHBOOK® N1 and Omnigo QuarterMaster offer critical support for law enforcement personnel.