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Are You Prepared for the New and Revised Joint Commission Emergency Management Standards?

Effective July 1, 2022, new and revised emergency management standards will apply to all Joint Commission-accredited hospitals and critical access hospitals. Is your hospital ready?


Checklist of the new & revised Joint Commission standards

  • The hospital has a comprehensive emergency management program that utilizes an all-hazards approach
  • Hospital leadership provides oversight and support of the emergency management program
  • The hospital conducts a hazard vulnerability analysis utilizing an all-hazards approach
  • The hospital develops an emergency operation plan that addresses:
    • Communication plans
    • Surge plans
    • Evacuation procedures
    • Resource acquisition and management
    • Continuity of operations
  • The hospital has a communication plan that addresses how it will initiate and maintain communications during an emergency
  • The hospital has a staffing plan for managing all staff and volunteers during an emergency or disaster incident
  • The hospital has a plan for providing patient care and clinical support during an emergency or disaster incident
  • The hospital has a plan for safety and security measures to take during an emergency or disaster incident
  • The hospital has a plan for managing resources and assets during an emergency or disaster incident
  • The hospital has a plan for managing essential or critical utilities during an emergency or disaster incident
  • The hospital has a disaster recovery plan
  • The hospital has an emergency management education and training program
  • The hospital plans and conducts exercises to test its emergency operations plan and response procedures
  • The hospital evaluates its emergency management program, emergency operations, and continuity of operation plans


Omnigo is here to support your efforts with a wide range of healthcare security solutions, including:

Omnigo Command and Planning

Plan, respond, and recover with Command and Planning, which allows users to store preplans in a centralized location, quickly communicate with stakeholders during an emergency, and respond tactically in recovery mode.


Omnigo Community

Notify users quickly with push notifications. GPS capabilities enable messages to be sent to all users or those located in a specific area.


Omnigo Report Exec

Report Exec has over 20 modules to help you meet changing Joint Commission and OSHA regulations and ensure the safety of staff, visitors, and your facility. Your team only needs to learn one platform, and you can be sure that every file, report, and message is stored in one secure, searchable database