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3 Must-Have Dispatch Capabilities You Should Never Be Without

No matter the jurisdiction or location, public safety professionals are under constant pressure to do more with less. That pressure has the potential to create a situation that increases stress on dispatchers, complicates decision-making, and puts lives at risk.


Your organization needs to trust that your dispatch system delivers the speed, functionality, and ease of use required to efficiently execute on inbound calls.


To empower your dispatch with the most responsive, multi-functional tools available, here are three essential elements to look for in your dispatch solution.


1. Immediate Access to Incident Command and Planning

During fast-moving situations, you don’t have a moment to waste. Look for dispatch software that integrates with your preplanning and incident management solution so that standard 911 calls trigger your event plans. Dispatch centers should also be able to efficiently execute on inbound calls with a fast, user-friendly platform that provides related information to staff during fast-moving situations.


2. Ongoing Incident Tracking

Look for customizable features that enable dispatch to monitor officers and responders and ensure their safety and accountability while in the field. GPS tracking, timers, and customizable alerts allow dispatchers to continuously monitor and update call information, even as they continue to respond to other calls for service.


3. Data Collection and Protection

It’s important to make data collection easy, but it’s just as essential to protect the integrity of information logged in the dispatch system. Choose a dispatch solution that simplifies form filling by auto-populating data on related forms to eliminate redundant tasks. Users should be able to easily upload and attach digital media files and evidence documents to reports.


Your dispatch solution should enable you to create custom, specialized reports that meet the specific information needs of various stakeholders, including charts and graphs. It’s also a good idea to look for automatic chain of custody logging and offsite, secure, monitored data storage.


Ready to learn more? Contact us to request a demo or check out our dispatch solutions.